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September - December 2024


WELCOME TO SACRED HOOP MAGAZINE... a leading international magazine about Shamanism, Sacred Wisdom and Earth Spirituality. Sacred Hoop Magazine was established in 1993, and is published quarterly, in both digital and paper formats.

In Hoop you will find articles and features by acclaimed contributors about Shamanic Traditions, Storytelling, Myth, Traveler's Tales, Ritual Arts, Sacred Living, Healing, Ceremonies and much more!

A Preview of the Current Issue of Sacred Hoop Magazine

Just a few of the recent writers for Sacred Hoop Include:

Michael Harner Bhola Banstola • Sandra Ingerman Jonathan Horwitz Robert Moss •  Evelyn Rysdyk Eliot Cowan Lyn Roberts Leo Rutherford Caitlin Matthews Jon Turk Nan Moss & David Corbin....
and many many others with from a wide range of backgrounds, and with a wide expereince of many different aspects of shamanism